Providing hope and dignity to children
by discreetly supplying additional food to students in need.
In an effort to help our students reach their full learning potential, McHenry High School District 156 realized that we had to come face to face with the struggles our students encounter each day before they even step inside our schools. One of the most prevalent issues some experience is the lack of enough quality food in their diets to help sustain their ability to learn. In 2014, according to Feeding, “Although related, food insecurity and poverty are not the same, poverty in the United States is only one of many factors associated with food insecurity. In fact, higher unemployment, lower household assets, and certain demographic characteristics also lead to a lack of access to adequate, nutritious food.” Some important statistics that will help clarify the problems:
Poverty Statistics in the United States (In 2022):
The poverty rate for people was 11.5 percent (37.9 million people).
The poverty rate for children under was even higher at 16.3 percent, which means 11.8 million kids live in poverty.
Very Low Food Insecurity and Food Insecurity in the US (In 2022):
More than 44 million people in the US face hunger everyday, this includes 1 in 5 children.
12.8 percent of households (17 million households) were food insecure.
5.1 percent of households (6.8 million households) experienced very low food security.
Households with children reported food insecurity at a significantly higher rate than those without children, 17.3 percent compared to 12.8 percent.
Children living with a single parent were even higher with households headed by a single father a rate 21.2 percent, while those headed by a single mother was almost double at 33.1 percent.
Greater than 1 in 3 STUDENTS
According to the Illinois Report Card for 2022-23, 37 percent of students attending McHenry High School District 156, 1 out of 2.7 students qualify for a free lunch which requires the family to be at or below the poverty line (in 2023, this was $30,000 per year for a family of four). McHenry High School School District 156 is instituting a program (Food for Thought) to help with those students that are in need. We believe that by offering a food pantry at the school, we will help our students make the most of their education. The Food for Thought program provides a weekend supply of nutritious food for children, commonly for low-income families, to replace the school meals that children miss during their weekend or extended breaks from school. Students will be able to opt-in and opt-out of the program and each weekend, we hope to provide a food bag that contains enough food for two breakfasts, two lunches, two dinners, and two snacks. All food is nonperishable.